RoadRacingCore nasce nel marzo 2013 dall’idea di due fratelli appassionati di corse su strada, Marta e Nicola Covioli. In Italia, a differenza di altri Paesi, non esisteva fino a quel momento un sito web interamente dedicato alle road races e, un po’ per gioco, RRC si proponeva di colmare in minima parte questa lacuna.
In poco tempo, però, Road Racing Core è diventato il punto di riferimento italiano (e non solo) per le corse su strada, coprendo con cronache, risultati e informazioni varie le International Road Races (Tourist Trophy, North West 200, Ulster GP…), le National irlandesi, l’IRRC e il CIVS.
Il logo RRC è diventato ben presto simbolo di informazione puntuale e veritiera sulle road races. La presenza sul campo a quante più gare possibili (TT, Classic TT, Manx GP, North West 200, Ulster GP, Macau GP, Scarborough, Skerries 100, Faugheen 50, Cookstown 100, Imatra…) è un sicuro punto di forza, unito al contatto diretto e all’amicizia con piloti, team e organizzatori.
Organizziamo regolarmente eventi in collaborazione con l’Associazione “Ciapa La Moto” di Milano, invitando in Italia grandi nomi delle road races come Ian Hutchinson e Peter Hickman.
Marta Covioli è anche voce di alcuni DVD e programmi TV legati al mondo delle corse su strada, oltre che autrice di due libri sull’argomento (“Road to Racing” e “Road Racing World”).
Road Racing Core è un sito di nicchia, che non gode di alcun tipo di supporto economico regolare, ma frutto solo dell’impegno nel tempo libero di chi ha le road races nel cuore.
Benvenuti e buona lettura!
Per qualsiasi informazione, suggerimento, critica o proposta, scrivete a:
Road Racing Core was born in March 2013 from the idea of two road racing passionate Italian siblings, Marta and Nicola Covioli. Differently to other Countries, a website entirely about pure road racing didn’t exist in Italy until was created. At first, the aim of RoadRacingCore was just to enjoy road racing while spreading information and news among fans. In a very short period of time, though, it became clear that Road Racing Core was filling an existing gap, becoming the benchmark for every road racing fan, not just in Italy but also in many parts of the world.
We try to attend as many races as possible – Tourist Trophy, Classic TT, Manx Grand Prix, North West 200, Ulster Grand Prix, Macau Grand Prix, Scarborough, Imatra, Faugheen, Cookstown, Skerries, to name but a few. This is a very strong point, together with having a deep knowledge of everything road racing and a close friendship with many riders, teams and events organizers.
The logo of Road Racing Core shortly became synonymous of punctual and truthful information about pure road racing, with news, race reports, interviews and tips for anyone who wish to attend a road race or even compete in it.
We also organize events in Italy – together with “Ciapa La Moto” – with special guests like TT stars Ian Hutchinson and Peter Hickman.
Marta Covioli is also commentator of DVDs and TV programmes about road racing, and author of two books (“Road to Racing” and “Road Racing World”).
Road Racing Core is a small website, a niche without any kind of regular economic support. It lives just thanks to the effort of someone who put her spare time into her biggest passion: road racing.
Welcome to Road Racing Core and enjoy!
For any information or suggestion you can write to: